Friday, September 18, 2009

Day One

I'm getting started today and going through to determine my route. It needs to include a coffee shop. Actually, I may just do my regular walk through Golden Gate Park. It's going to be sunny and warmer than usual today (76) so I should get going before it gets too warm.

Tomorrow we're going to Tahoe for the weekend (camping). I'll definitely get some walking in, but not in the city.

I have been wondering if I should count all the roads I've already walked. Seems like that would be cheating, so I think I'll just do them all over again.

A little about me. I started running in 2000, a few years after moving to SF from a much less climatically-friendly area of the country. The weather is perfect for running here, it's usually cool and the worst we get is a little rain and fog. I don't like heat AT ALL so was never able to run where I used to live. I ran for several years and then got married and you know how that goes.

I've been walking on and off for a year or two so I'm able to physically plan to walk regularly now. I may run a bit if I can manage to lose some weight.

UPDATE: 3 miles today on Fell and JFK up to the DeYoung.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Where to Start

I heard, several years back, about a guy who walked every street of San Francisco.
A couple other people are doing it, also.
Manhattan has been done, and so have Albany, CA, and Sydney.
Well... why not?