Saturday, October 31, 2009


So a month and a half later. I kind of sporadically have been walking my regular routes around town but nothing worth noting until this week, when I started running again.

I've been encouraged by these guys and their podcast. I'm following their half marathon training plan (they are on to a marathon now). Looking for a 5k in December and maybe a half marathon in April. We'll see.

Started with a run on Ocean Beach on Sunday - really a 2 mile run/walk. Tuesday was a 2 mile run/walk in Golden Gate Park, then Thursday was an attempt at a 2 mile run at the beach, but I was developing a migraine and only made it 1 mile. Then today a 2 mile run with a little walking here and there.

I'm looking for an app where I can mark the streets and parks where I've been running / walking. If you know any such thing, please comment.